It is Tuesday! Today, i learn about teaching concepts. Before that, i learn about scientific knowledge. What is CONCEPT? Law? Fact? Dont know?
Then, let me tell you.
- Fact is foundation for concepts, principles, and theories.
- Concept is an abstraction of events or objects that seem to have certain properties in common.
- Principles and Laws are composed of concepts and facts and related to observable phenomena
- Theories explain why phenomena occur as they do.
There are 5 ways for Teaching Concepts:
- Giving examples and non-examples
- The use of advance organizer such as concept maps
- The use of images and analogies
- The use of various presentations such as models and symbols
- The use of experiments
- Use similar concepts, eg. Evaporation & Transpiration
- Steps:
i.identify the concept
ii.List the characteristics of the example
iii.List the characteristics of the non-example
iii.Identify the characteristics that differentiate the two concepts
iv.Classify the characteristics
Concept Maps:
- Linking concepts to make it meaningful
- Use of concept maps in teaching:
- Teaching a topic
- Reinforce understanding
- Check learning and identify misconception
- Evaluation
- Types of concept maps:
- Hierarchical concept maps
- Cluster concept maps
- Chain concept maps
- Steps in constructing concept maps:
- Focus on a theme and then identify related key words or phrases.
- Rank the concepts from the most abstract to the most concrete and specific.
- Cluster concepts that function at similar level of abstraction and those that interrelate closely.
- Arrange concepts in to a diagrammatic representation.
- Link concepts with linking lines and label each line with a proposition.
Images & Analogies:
- Introduce the target concept
- Cue the students’ memory of the analogous situation
- Identify the relevant features of the analog
- Map the similarities between the analog and the target
- Draw conclusions about the target concepts
- A DNA moleculeis like a ladder
- A cellis like a factory
- A heart is like a force pump
- A kidney is like a waste filter
- An eyeis like a camera
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